Sunday, 18 November 2012

OUGD403: Message and Delivery: Distribution

After developing a message/ opinion in response to the previous brief, we were then asked to create a mail shot that distributes, disseminates, and reinforces your message to an appropriate list of recipients.

I started by making a list which would help me with the content of my mail shot, and make sure I'm aiming it towards the correct audience. I wanted to show what i was aiming to achieve and how i would do this.

Here are 10 initial designs for my mail shot:

I kept my mail shot very similar to my poster designs, keeping with the Italian colours and the two languages. The difference between my mail shot and the posters is that the mail shot was to have more information, allowing for the reader to be more aware of the safety precautions in the event of an earthquake.

These are the final prints which i designed. Because of the paper i printed on when it came out the texture added a really nice effect which i think added to the design and gave it an almost earthy feel, which fortunately fits with my earthquake theme. One problem when printing, it was hard to get each design printed back to back, so some sides of my mailshot were off centre.

We also had to create a mailing list, considering the audience that our mail shot was intended for. My intended audience was for residence of L' aquila, so i decided i'd send my mail shot to local hotels. I believed with tourists visiting the Italian city and not being aware of the dangers, it was perfect for them to read the information and be aware of what to do and where to go in the event of an earthquake.

We were set the task again of critiquing each others work, it's really helpful getting the opinion off of my peers because it allows me to notice the mistakes and work around them so that my design interests the right audience.

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