Saturday 15 February 2014

OUGD503: Studio brief 1 - Posterheros concept development

I mind mapped some ideas for how I wanted the poster. I've decided that I want to focus on the fact that we're so conditioned into buying rubbish food from shops that we've almost forgotten that it is possible to grown our own food! I think it's to easy for us to buy food that we have become lazy. And this is a huge contributor to obesity, and malnourishment. 

Initial sketches:

I had a small crit with Jasper and Will and decided to develop one of my initial ideas:

The idea was to have some fresh fruit and veg packaged, like mass produced children's toys in a propaganda style.

 My concept was to argue why people buy so much rubbish when we could grow our own vegetables, or buy fruit and vegetables which are fresh.

I started by sketching out the packaged veg which would be on the front of the poster:

After scanning in my pepper I found it difficult to package it to make it look like it was wrapped in plastic. I was then recommended by a class mate to use the effects in photoshop, which made the pepper looked vacuum packed, which gave me the idea below:

I came up with the slogan, 'Food should be of quality, NOT a packaged commodity. I was referring to the fact that we buy so much rubbish food which is mass produced in factories, when we should be buying fresh fruit and veg, fresh meat, fresh juice etc.

Here is the template for my poster:

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