Wednesday, 4 December 2013

OUGD503: Studio brief 1 - Effect brief breakdown


Why have I chosen the brief?

The brief sounds challenging and I'm able to engage with it from an audience point of view because I myself am a student.

What do I want to get out of the brief?

> I want to improve my design skills/ practice. 
> Improve my time management. 
> Help find where my focus lies and what I enjoy. 
> Recognition from clients.
> Working on a brief outside the college, so sticking to specific requirements.

What do I need to do/ make etc. in response to the brief?

Create an advertising campaign, on both print and web platforms.

What is the problem?

Effect energy drink is not known in the UK.

What is the brief asking as to do about it?

Create an advertising campaign which will make people aware of Effect

What is the brief achieving?

Awareness and consumers in the UK.

Who will benefit?

Effect, and my design skills.

What is the message?

That effect are a mentally stimulating energy drink.

Who is the audience?


How will the message be delivered?

Through print, posters, bus sides, bus stops, billboards etc. and online, adverts on social media etc.


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