Wednesday 22 January 2014

OUGD503: Studio brief 1 - Effect - Initial idea presentation

At the beginning of the session as a class we came up with five answers to the question below.

How well does the work presented communicate your concept/ product/ context?

1. Clearly defined & appropriate concept.
2. Does the solution meet the brief.
3. Clearly defined audience, appropriate response
4. Appropriate & defined distribution method.
5. Are your decisions informed

We then presented our ideas to a small group in the class. Here is the boards and poster I presented:

Feedback I was given:

Maybe try more proposals, advertise on moving transport?

Focus just on university students

A poster for each study?

Try putting up posters around college to get some images of the posters being in the public

Hand out questionnaires to get a better understanding of university life/ students.


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