Thursday 6 February 2014

OUGD503: Studio brief 2 - Collaborative session

For a preparatory task for the session we were asked to fill in the sheet below and were asked to bring in three briefs:

For the first half we had to weigh up the pros and cons of each brief: 



> Option to fully interact with our audience
> Personal research
> Product and packaging
> Branding and identity


> Broad audience
> A lot of competition

Body shop


> Any medium, freedom
> Work with social media regularly
> Its a local shop, easy primary research
> Easily researched


> Not into beauty therapy
> Audience is very vague



> It'd be a challenge
> Audience relevant to our age
> Outside perspective
> Do anything we want, freedom


> sexist element?
> Not fully understanding the brief

We decided to go with the Boost brief as we believe it allowed us to be really open with our ideas, and we both are into product and packaging, and branding and identity. Below is the contract statement, we were also asked to go off and re print it and finalise it for next session.

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