Wednesday 26 February 2014

OUGD505: Studio brief 1 - Initial ideas

So for studio brief one I looked at space and astronomy, and decided to focus more on the planets of our solar system. From this I then focused my research down on the moon. I decided to make a research booklet for children aged 7-11 that would inform them about the moon, designed in a style to keep them interested and wanting to read it. I want the book to be used in conjunction with studio brief 2.

I started by sketching out covers and deciding what I wanted on each page.

I wanted the design to be appropriate for children, this meant a lot of illustration and not so much text. I want the book to be interesting to look at but also interesting to read.

As well as the book we were asked to produce packaging.

I started first by designing the front cover, this was to be the basis of the design. I wanted the book to have interesting illustrations. Here is the cover I initially designed.

I also mocked up some packaging ideas in preparation for the up and coming crit.

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