Wednesday 26 February 2014

OUGD505: Studio brief 1 - Crit

Today we had a crit on our research booklets and I was provided with some helpful feedback:

I presented my Indesign file, a black and white mock up, and three packaging mock ups for the book.


Questions I asked were:

Black and white, or colour?
Out of the three, which packaging?

> Definitely use colour - I think colour adds to the overall effect

> I like the idea of using a few of the nets over lapping to show different stages

> Who's the audience?

> I think the black and white would work well because of the colours of the moon and sky obviously, but, having the colours on the info graphics is important to give a clear message so I think colour is best.

> I think the packaging with half the moon is the best. It is the shape most associated with the moon. Otherwise the circle would just look like a white circle.

> Definitely use colour

> The way i see it is that you have designed this for people to get a basic understanding of the moon. I think that some of your pages could be white, almost like we have landed on the moon.

> I think that if you were to take it further you could potentially create a brand that takes you to the moon. Or you could create a "way finding to the moon" could be clever about this. Could be comical.

Feedback sheet:

Things to take away:

> Keep the book in colour.

> Define an audience and think about the next studio task, where I could take my idea?

> Improve your hand crafting skills, look into children's books for the packaging, maybe use a spinning wheel to show each phase of the moon?

> Think about other binding, rather than stapling.

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