Tuesday 18 February 2014

OUGD503: Studio brief 1 - Cheese Label

The brief:

So after looking at existing cheese packaging I proceeded to sketch up some initial ideas of how I maybe wanted it to look.

I then took these ideas onto the computer to create them digitally:

I added mountains and a sun, I wanted the feel of the country side, and the hot weather.

I played around with different images on the front.

I wanted to keep the design very traditional, but nice and clean and neat.

I sketched out the name 'Shale Point' as I thought it gave the design a more personal feel. The hand written text almost reflecting the fact that it is hand made.

For the other text I chose a san serif font. I felt it was friendly, easy to read and complimented the hand written font.

After creating the overall aesthetic of the design, I tried some different colours, as there will be different packaging for different cheeses:

I decided on having these colours. They were not too vivid or bright, and they work well together.

I tried different illustrations on the front. I wanted something that reflects the cheese, but also reflects a traditional style.

I ended up sketching out my own cheese, I really liked the rustic aesthetic, keeping it quite traditional, but high quality.

Here is the final design:

After uploading my design onto 99 designs I was then put through into the final, and they gave me some feedback which was useful:

I took the advice on board and tried to design it how they wanted it:

I removed the rocky mountains and replaced them with rolling hills.

I also removed the cheese sketch and drew my own cow.

They also wanted to see the Shale Point in a different font so I changed it from the hand written one to a more block font, making more of an impact.

Here is the entry I submitted in the final round:

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