Sunday 16 February 2014

OUGD503: Studio brief 1 - Photography logo development (Freya Mcwatt)

So i started out by making a board related to photography, I wanted to get inspiration and a feel for what I was creating. It helps me generate ideas and come up with an overall concept.

I've looked at other photography logos and got a feel for what is already out there, and some underlying themes that may help me come up with an acceptable logo.

Here are some ideas that I've sketched up:

I've started digitalising some of the ones I want, I'm not yet sure which I am going to decide on. Here is some development:

I decided that I wanted to use a camera and wanted to somehow incorporate Freyas initials into the logo, so I designed one in illustrator and messed around with different type etc.

I tried different colours and different fonts to see what worked best.

I then decided to put the initials inside what would be the lens of the camera:

I wasn't to keen on this idea, as the F looked like an E, so I shortened it:

Here is what I ended up with in the end. I tried to round off the initials and the camera to make it look a lot softer, which I think gives it a more friendlier look:

I tried mocking up some business cards:

I tried out some different colours

Also the logo works without the strap and the font underneath, this could be used for a watermark on photographs:

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