Wednesday 12 February 2014

OUGD503: Studio brief 1 - Secret 7

So I decided as one of my briefs I would have a go at Secret 7 seen as I managed to get into the final last year. I looked through the songs and decided on T.Rex - Get It On as I am familiar with this track because of my parents. I looked at a few previous sleeve designs from them to get some inspiration and to see where I could go.

I sketched out a load of ideas based on the lyrics "Bang a gong", as I believed this was a good starting point and was relevant.

I chose four ideas which I really liked and decided to develop them a bit further.

From these designs I then took my ideas onto the computer. I wanted the design to be really simple but stand out. I messed about with some images of gong mallets.

I played around with yellow and red as these were the colours I felt worked best.

I liked the idea of having the image in a bitmap.

I took the idea of the mallet hitting the gong and developed it with simple colours and simple shapes till I was happy with what I had.

I tried out different ideas, colours, added a drop shadow to see what I could get. I then had a mini crit with my flat mate and we both decided it needed either a pattern or some text.

In the end I used these two below, around the circle is the definition of a gong. I thought it was a pretty subtle way of hinting at what the song maybe but without giving away the artist name or song choice.

I set myself the task of doing this brief in one day, which I achieved. It was a good way of pushing myself to see what I could produce in a limited amount of time, and to see whether or not I could produce well thought out work, with a strong concept under pressure.

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